CBG or Cannabigerol is also called the ‘mother of all cannabinoids’ and is gradually becoming famous as one of the potent components of the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are chemical substances found in the cannabis plant, and CBG is a prominent one from them. So far, we all have seen the hype around other cannabinoids like CBD and THC, but CBG is essential too! This cannabinoid is the precursor of all other cannabinoids and comes from the base CBG-A, which breaks down as the plant matures and gives way to the formation of all other components! The young cannabis or hemp...

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cbd, CBG, CBN, thcv -

CBD and THC have become common knowledge for all those who use organic substances! The cannabis plant is rich in cannabinoids, and while they all look like a lesson of the alphabet, there is more to each of them! The hemp plant has hundreds of these chemical compounds, but we will discuss the five essential ones that people know. Without further ado, let’s get to know what each cannabinoid is all about! CBD CBD or cannabidiol is one of the cannabinoids, and it is famous for its numerous benefits. Of all the cannabinoids, CBD is the most researched, and numerous...

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We all know about CBD and THC as the stimulating and psychoactive cannabinoids from the hemp plant, but have you ever wondered what the other cannabinoids do and how you can benefit from them? It's not too late to find out! Here we will talk about CBG or Cannabigerol, another cannabinoid that is becoming famous. Let's see why it took so long to find out more about this strain, and what do we know about it by now? What is CBG? CBG or Cannabigerol is also called the 'mother of all cannabinoids,' although it is found in very small amounts....

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Is CBG the New CBD? CBD is officially a billion-dollar industry with about 15 percent of all Americans jumping on board and continually using the compound for what ails them. Cannabidiol (CBD) is found in cannabis plants and has been known to treat everything from insomnia to pain to anxiety. It is easy to see why people enjoy using something that comes entirely from nature rather than medications created in a lab that many times requires a prescription.  However, depending upon your needs, there may be an even better alternative out there that can assist you in feeling your best....

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